Sep 23, 2023
'HI Ladies So This weeks video Is On The Kylie Holiday Collection 2016 Ad trying on the products. Sorry if i did not swacth the colors but if you want to see a seperate video on the KY SHADOW feel free to comment and let me know. Thank you Kylie Cosmetics Website - https://www.kyliecosmetics.com/ My Info For Ya: Name:Wanda Age;22 What i film with; Front Camera of an Iphone 6 Editing Software:Pocket VIdeo & Imovie Desclaimer - Im not being sponsered to do this video all rigths to the owner. Neither im i being paid to do this im just here to review the products and let you gutys discover. Buinsess : For buisness inquieres and collabs feel free to email me at [email protected] with the subject youtube. THankkYOu LOve YOU GUys :)'See also: