Aug 14, 2023
'I received a PR package for Tori Belle Cosmetics Filled with the full cosmetics line so if you would like a review watch on!! Review on the makeup remover- I absolutely love the makeup remover my makeup came off so effortlessly at the end of the day and left my face feeling so smooth I absolutely love it and recommend it! Full Line Review- I absolutely loved the eyeshadow palette both palettes we’re super pigmented and easy to blend, the colors layered beautifully together! I absolutely love the magnetic lashes and eyeliner they are so easy to use and to take off at the end of the night, it’s so nice not having all that glue to worry about!! I absolutely love the brow pomade I am going to choose this over my Morphe one it is so rich in color and the formula is so amazing it’s not drying at all! came off so effortlessly at the end of the day and left my face feeling so smooth I absolutely love it and recommend it! The pore primer was okay it’s worked and I would recommend it over elf puddy primer but it’s not my all time absolute favorite. The siren mascara is absolutely amazing it’s just a not dark enough for my liking but once the lashes are on absolutely amazing!! The whole Brand I approve of and recommend!!! Products used: Tori Belle Pore Primer Morphe liquid foundation Sephora Concealer Fenty beauty setting powder Anastasia Beverly Hills blush trio Too faced sun bunny duo Bona fide beauty highlighter Tori Belle brow kit Tori Belle Shadow Palettes Flat Earth & Space Out Tori Belle siren mascara Tori Belle magnetude Liquid eyeliner Tori Belle magnetic lashes style selfie Morphe setting mist Morphe brushes & beauty blender Thank you Tori Belle Cosmetics for this amazing package! i If you would like to purchase any Tori Belle Products go to http://shop.toribellecosmetics.com/TrishHart/Home #prunboxing #toribelle #toribellecosmetics #makeupreview Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/austin.f.99/?hl=en'See also: