Aug 9, 2023
'DIOR 5 COULEURS COUTURE GOLDEN DAY https://bit.ly/3ALQKWT DIOR FOREVER NATURAL BRONZEhttps://bit.ly/3ANVfjx LISA ELDRIDGE AFFAIR GLOSS EMBRACE https://www.lisaeldridge.com/products/affair-gloss-embrace-lip-gloss LISA ELDRIDGE ELEVATED GLOW HIGHLIGHTER IN CRYSTAL NEBULA https://www.lisaeldridge.com/products/crystal-nebula-elevated-glow-highlighter CHANEL POWDER BLUSH IN MALICE https://bit.ly/3yFzDE9 DIORSHOW 24H* STYLO https://bit.ly/3e2iX1O DIORSHOW ICONIC OVERCURL MASCARA https://bit.ly/3dYJrRJ Hi! In this video I am going to show you the new @Dior Makeup 5 Colors Couture in Golden Day combined with @Lisa Eldridge Gloss Embrace in Affair. Let me know your impressions, please leave me a comment ❤ I really enjoy this palette! #diormakeup #dior #lisaeldridgemakeup #lisaeldridge Follow me here ⬇️ ------------------------------- I N S T A G R A M https://www.instagram.com/my_beautyshopper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F A C E B O O K https://www.facebook.com/MyBeautyShopper.fanpage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T W I T T E R https://twitter.com/Mybeautyshopper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W E B S I T E www.mybeautyshopper.it --------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: In my videos you will find products I like or that I am really willing to try. I usually purchase products by myself but sometimes companies send me some products to test and try. I am not paid to show products and I don\'t sponsor anything. My intention is to show what it really deserves to be shown. Authenticity is my statement. You could find some affiliate links under my videos or posts, that means I could may receive some small commissions if you decide to buy something you are interested with. This is actually the most genuine way I found to support my channel. Thx xo'See also: