'Hey guys, I\'m super excited to be sharing this video with you after recently receiving my Kylie Cosmetics Vixen Bundle. It\'s the perfect Christmas gift for a makeup lover! KYLIE COSMETICS VIXEN BUNDLE:- https://www.kyliecosmetics.com/products/holiday16-vixenbundle Twitter: https://twitter.com/alishazoebarron Instagram: https://instagram.com/alishabarron Eyebrow Tutorial: https://youtu.be/eIw1ANAzxFg Camera: Canon EOS 750D Editing: iMovie MUSIC - DATHAN X WOLFE - Reaction Thank you so much for watching! Please like & Subscribe if you haven\'t already ♡ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬'
Tags: makeup , kylie jenner , Kylie cosmetics , makeup haul , Unboxing , new video , kyshadow , christmas haul , holiday collection , kylie cosmetics haul , the holiday palette , Jolly lip gloss , metal lipstick , holiday edition , kylie cosmetics holiday edition review , vixen bundle , kylie cosmetics makeup haul , Kylie Cosmetics Holiday Edition Haul , Vixen Bundle Haul , Vixen Bundle Review , Vixen Bundle Unboxing , Kylie Cosmetics Vixen Bundle , Kyshadow Holiday Edition , Matte Minis
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