Aug 1, 2023
'---------------------------------------------- Hey guys! Thanks for watching and a BIG thanks for making it down to the info box. We are so glad for every single video you watch and comment on. Love you guys!!! ----------------------------------------------- If you LOVE our YouTube videos, we KNOW you will love to see us uncensored and raw on our Facebook page, where we first started! Give us a like here http://bit.ly/1Pw32lY and never miss a Fatties In A Taxi video...EVER! ----------------------------------------------- S O C I A L M E D I A: Facebook: http://bit.ly/1Pw32lY Instagram: FattiesInATaxi Ask.FM: FattiesInATaxi Periscope: FattiesInATaxi ----------------------------------------------- For all business and inquires, or if you just want to say hi, email us at [email protected]'
Tags: kylie , woc , kylie cosmetic , black girl , holiday collection , woman of color
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