'Three people; Monica Hernandez, Alexandra Marzella, and Ayqa Khan share their personal journeys challenging body-hair norms. From cultural standards to social pressures, many women find themselves defying standards of beauty by letting all of their hair fly. Still haven’t subscribed to Allure on YouTube? ►► http://bit.ly/AllureYouTubeSub ABOUT ALLURE The best daily makeup tips, skin-care advice, hair tutorials, product reviews, and videos from beauty experts. Dispelling Beauty Myths: Body Hair | Allure'
Tags: allure , body hair , armpit hair , underarm , beauty myths , hairy armpits , female body hair , women body hair , women with body hair , women with leg hair , hair beauty standard , women with armpit hair , shaving armpits , armpits hair , hairy girl , hairy women , being a hairy girl , airpit hair , pit hair , woman with airpit hair , why have armpit hair , body hair journey , woman body hair , women leg hair , body positive body hair , female leg hair , hairy girl interview , womens armpit hair
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