'Presale is now! Go to qvc.com to order. The showing is on Saturday, March 18th! Cost - Approx. $59.94 (TSV Price) QVC Item # A287725 Single Shipment: http://www.qvc.com/IT-cosmetics-ITs-All-About-You%21-Customer-Favorites-Collection.product.A287725.html?sc=PRODFEED Connect With Me... (Not active at the moment/Vlogs are on this channel) Vlog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/therealhlnc Blog: http://www.herlatenightcravings.blogspot.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/HerLateNightCra Instagram: Follow me @JAYMEHLNC Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/HerLateNightCravings/328759500512897 E-mail: [email protected] PO BOX has been closed. EBates (Get PAID for all of your online shopping). Go to the website below: http://www.ebates.com/rf.do?referrerid=d%2BVv1c3wsQ8yo5jxJ6JQeg%3D%3D **All items are purchased with my own money unless otherwise noted. I do receive products from time to time from brands and will always disclose that information. In true Jayme fashion, all opinions are my own. I mean, have you met me?? :-) Sometimes I will use affiliate links where I do make a tiny profit.** Thanks for watching!!'
Tags: it cosmetics , qvc , night , makeup brushes , late , her , tsv , today's special value , cravings , it cosmetics qvc tsv , super hero mascara , HLNC , customer favorites collection , ITs All About Your Favorites , CC+ Illuminination , Je Nais Se Quoi Rose , 4 piece collection
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