'Ariana Grande Mac Viva Glam Lipstick Review and Unboxing So, sooo excited! I got Ariana Grande\'s new Lipstick Check out my thoughts and product review! Xoxo Love ya much! Purchase this deep dark plum matte lipstick here for $17 while supplies last http://www.belk.com/AST/Main/Belk_Primary/PRD~5900090S2FP/MAC+Lipstick+++Viva+Glam+Ariana+Grande.jsp?navPath=Beauty_And_Fragrance/Shop/Beauty/Lipstick/All&cm_vc=cross_sell_prod_page&cm_sp=CrossSell-_-ProductPage-_-5900090S2FP Every cent of the selling price goes toward helping women, men and children living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. Limited-edition packaging features Ariana\"s signature. MUSIC CREDITS: incompetch.com \"Hep Cats\" - Kevin MacLeod Be sure to Like, Comment, and Subscribe! BE SURE TO WATCH IN HD!!! (^_^) CONTACT: LaDawn Lewis at [email protected] for business, questions, or if you want me to review your product. SOCIAL MEDIA: http://facebook.com/ColorMePretty89 https://instagram.com/LaDawnDawnny https://twitter.com/LaDawnDawnny https://LaDawnDawnny.tumblr.com http://shots.me/ladawndawnny http://weheartit.com/LaDawn23 THANK YOU FOR WATCHING LIKING SUBSCRIBING COMMENTING AND SUPPORTING ME love you so muchhhh XoXo'
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