'I was not planning on filming a video today, but a package from Fed Ex arrived. I am going to share with you the contents the of the QVC TSV for January 14th. I filmed this, edited it, and uploaded it within 2 hours! That\'s a rarity for me. I will not be able to replay to comments, but often that is a good thing. Giveaway is closed. MY GIVEAWAY RULES: Be 18 years old or older. Be subscribed to my channel before this goes live. Say \"I am looking forward to....\" in the comment section by 11:59pm on January 20th, 2107. This is Internationsl Price $79.96 - no sh/h - It\'s a great deal, but only if you need it. It is a $182.00 value. My friend Susan W also received this TSV. This is a link to her video, it was so much better than mine: http://bit.ly/2jcbcuV My Thoughts on CF Brands Being Purchased by Non Cruelty Free Companies: http://bit.ly/2a4rx14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below are a some links to help you locate, and price a product. Always check for the best price possible. If you should click on these links, I may receive income. Please let me know if a link does not work. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QVC TSC IT Cosmetics - Preorder before, or on 1/14/17 - Item # A287731 http://go.magik.ly/ml/3b98/ Check out the reviews below: It Cosmetics Bye Bye Under Cream: http://go.magik.ly/ml/3b5e/ It Cosmetics Confidence: http://go.magik.ly/ml/3b5f/ , or http://go.magik.ly/ml/3b70/ or http://go.magik.ly/ml/3b72/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ON MY FACE * = Products given to me * Confidence in A Compact in Light IT Cosmetics Superhero Elastic Stretch Volume Mascara $24.00: http://go.magik.ly/ml/1ovr/ or http://go.magik.ly/ml/1fet/ Travel size $12.00: http://go.magik.ly/ml/1feu/ Or QVC - 2 Full size Superhero Mascaras for $26.36 is still available - search A266445, or Superhero: http://go.magik.ly/ml/jgg/ IT Cosmetics No Tug Waterproof Eyeliner (pencil) navy in the upper waterline: http://go.magik.ly/ml/1gk4/ NYX Tame & Frame: http://amzn.to/24tD13Z applied with: Trish McEvoy Eyebrow Brush: http://go.magik.ly/ml/r62/ Bare Mineral Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in Sparkplug: http://go.magik.ly/ml/3b9s/ , or (no sh/h) http://go.magik.ly/ml/3b9v/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ebates - I do earn $5.00 if you sign up here: https://www.ebates.com/r/METURN19?eeid=28187 Octoly: I do earn 20 points if you sign up here for free cosmetics, and do a review, on YT. https://www.octoly.com/creators?cref=hat66 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beenigma - Both jars are the same size, 50ml. Beenigma Subscription Service Total price $89.99: https://secure.beenigmacream.com/order/?w=beenigmacream.com&flid=BNAYT&mecpv5=13646 Link To QVC, search Beenigma $108.38 total price: http://go.magik.ly/ml/2aft/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Holika Holika Smoothie Peeling Gel, Apple Berry: http://amzn.to/2in7MBb SKINCARE PRODUCTS I USE - See video linked below. It was uploaded on Dec 15, 2016. In the \"Show More\" links will be provided for the products I use, along with step-by-step instructions: http://bit.ly/2gM0ZQV My favorite \"tool\" I use to examine my skin, and tweeze my eyebrows.I bought mine almost 10 years ago. It\'s the Floxite 15x Magnification Lighted Mirror - (This is the best price I found, and it’s $20.00 less than I paid for it) http://amzn.to/1QsiOSu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $5.00 off coupon code from Timelessha.com SENSATIONAL Note: Timeless allows only one discount code per order. I do not make any money, or receive anything if you use this code. Pure d\'or provided a code for a 25% discount for my viewers it is YouTube25 Note: I do not make any money , or receive anything if you use this code. http://fanitymirror.com To receive 20% off, the code is - maryellenFANITY2016 There is no shipping, or handling. My video review of this product: http://bit.ly/1UcJ5HY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \"FABULOUS WOMEN ON YOUTUBE\" (women over 45) Please click below http://ohcarolshow.blogspot.com/ Elle is For Livings\' list: http://maturewomenofyoutube.blogspot.com Disclaimer: The information that is shared herein is intended for informational purposes. Any advice and/or product(s) mentioned should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult your healthcare professional if you are currently taking medication, pregnant, trying to get pregnant, nursing, or if you have any other health condition before taking any products mentioned or applying any information contained herein. Please be advised. All products mentioned by me, I have purchased , or given to me as gifts by personal friends, and family. Any time I ever receive a product free, I will definitely mention it, and put an \"*\" in front of the time. I have never accepted money to do a video, nor have I accepted items, for a positive review. For Business Inquiries email me at [email protected] Check out my other videos: http://bit.ly/28MPkIk'
Tags: beauty , cosmetics , To , how , makeup , skincare , cruelty free makeup , skin , care , Anti-Aging , Google , mature , 40 , over , 50 , 60 , mature beauty , maryellen after 60 , foundation that is good for your skin , QVC TSV , it cosmetics skincare , it cosmetics skin care , sensational after 60 , beauty 40+ , beauty 50+ , beauty 60+ , anti-aging skincare for men , great skincare for the mature man , or woman , Retin A results for someone over 60 , Confidence in a COmpact from IT Cosmetics
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