'Krystal was amazed at how well Thin Lizzy Make-Up could cover up her Tattoos! By using a few of our products you can do the same. Watch the video to find out how. Products used: Thin Lizzy Concealer Crème Thin Lizzy Mineral Foundation Thin Lizzy 6in1 Professional Powder For more information about Thin Lizzy or the products featured in this inspiring evolution visit our website: http://www.thinlizzy.com.au | http://www.thinlizzy.co.nz You can also find us in pharmacies New Zealand and Australia wide: Farmers, other selected New Zealand Pharmacies, Priceline, Big W, Terry White Pharmacy and other selected Australian Pharmacies. Join us on our other social media platforms: Facebook: https://goo.gl/9ZCzwH Instagram: https://goo.gl/9EX2qi Pinterest: https://goo.gl/V2xvm0'
Tags: beauty , tutorial , cosmetics , Make up , foundation , bronzer , compact , Evolution , before and after , concealer , tattoo , cover up , removal , mineral , thin lizzy , 6in1 professional powder , thinlizzybeaty
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