'Village Blind Shopkeeper Motivational Vlog - Successful Blind Shopkeeper - He Motivate Me - Village vlog Blind shopkeeper Waheed doesn\'t let his disability get in the way of his busy life. As well as working in his shop, the 10 year-old finds time to lead the call to prayer at the local mosque and also enjoys spending time with his family. Every morning Waheed opens up his shop, stocks the shelves, and attends to his customers. These are common tasks for any shopkeeper and Waheed moves through the jobs smoothly - even though he is blind. Fifty -eight-year old Waheed , who was born blind, has not let his condition hold him back. As he helps customers, he shows how he is able to distinguish between different money notes just by touch. There are more than 96000 blind people in Pakistan, and only 20 percent of them are employed, according to the latest government figures. Waheed says his family supported him from a young age and encouraged him to develop his trade. \"I was born blind, I was born in Pakistan (Village kohl8aGaar)and went to the Jhamra high school school. And after that i open shop in my village and spending more time in my shop and his kids also help him in his business..... #Shopkeeper #Blind #Shop #Motivational #VillageVlog #BlindShopkeeper #AmazinPerson #Brave'
Tags: village , vlog , he motivate me , Village Blind Shopkeeper Motivational Vlog , Successful Blind Shopkeeper , Shopkeeper blind , Braver blind shopkeeper , Interesting vlog , Mukkalaf rajpoot , Ali bhai official
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