'You are watching Uncle Roger\'s heaven Things we do: wok hei, MSG(aka: king of flavour/salt on crack), egg fried rice, feeling, fire, peanut, asian, real chilli, fuiyooo~~ Things we don\'t do: colander, induction stove, too white, chilli jam, jamie oliver, Haiyaaa~~ Subscribe to become our niece and nephew or I take your colander: https://bit.ly/2IVjGnO Facebook: https://bit.ly/2GXJzAX Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChinaChilli Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chinachilliblog/ Merch: https://chinachilli.myspreadshop.com/ Buy MSG(aka: king of flavour/salt on crack) here to make your egg fried rice taste umami: https://amzn.to/2YBTYhg Buy this wok so you can create wok hay(wok breath) at home: https://amzn.to/3ljBrPC Buy this rice cooker so you can make leftover rice for your egg fried rice: https://amzn.to/2YvajnW Buy this secret chinese chilli oil to make your egg fried rice taste even better(not chilli jam): https://amzn.to/3FpHcmN Filming Device Camera: Sony A7m3 https://amzn.to/3FsfplN Lens: Zeiss FE 24-70mm https://amzn.to/2YpV8fF Microphone: Rode Videomic https://amzn.to/3llkYuk #Streetfood #Chinesefood #wok hei'
Tags: Cooking , Food , fast food , China , satisfying , asmr , Asian , street food , chinese street food , comida callejera , msg , fried rice , wok hei , makanan jalanan , uncle roger , chow mein , 길거리 음식 , wok , egg fried rice , Slow motion , 屋台の食べ物 , fried noodle , Nasi Goreng , уличная забегаловка , Straßenessen , gatumat , char kway teow , ข้าวผัด , thức ăn đường phố , l'alimentation de rue , شارع الطعام , सड़क का भोजन , 볶음밥 , อาหารข้างทาง , तला - भुना चावल , cơm chiên , gebratener Reis , riz sauté , жареный рис , 焼飯
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