'The theme of this video is a really simple golden egg fried rice. You can easily make it at home and feel the Asian rice. Golden fried rice needs only yellow eggs. Let\'s discard the whites. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Ingredients: Green onion, Egg, Korean bowl of rice, Soy sauce, oyster sauce, Salt, Pepper. 1. Dice vegetables. 2. One of the rice bowl, microwave for 40 seconds. 3. Put a bowl of 40 seconds cooked rice and mix with egg yolks. 4. Stir-fry green onions in a pan and add some salt and black pepper. 5. Press the rice and fry. You can serve. 6. Make a sauce with oyster, soy sauce and pepper powder. 7. The second bowl of rice, microwave for 90 seconds. (Golden fried rice is simple but delicious with soy sauce.) (If you need something very simple, This is a dish you can simply prepare.) (Good breakfast for children.)'
Tags: asian food , korean food , korean market food , Korean food recipes , Korean traditional food , what to eat in korea , 볶음밥 , asian soul food , bts eat food , korean night market los angeles , korean food in seoul , korean market review , market review today , golden egg Fried Rice , hwang Kum bokkeum bap , 황금볶음밥
See also: