'Whatever you call it: Palitaw with Bukayo Unday-unday, Inday-Inday, etc., it is delicious and easy. In this video, I will be showing you the easiest and quickest way of making thing snack. Just three ingredients: glutinous rice flour (malagkit flour) water sugar grated young coconut (twice the volume of sugar)'
Tags: kitchen , delicious , Food , snack , philippines , Asian , Filipino , manila , pinoy , Cebu , cuisine , authentic , visayas , davao , glutinous rice balls , sesame seeds , malagkit , quezon , palitaw , glutinous , glutinous rice flour recipe , palitaw recipe , bicol , Inday-Inday , how to cook palitaw , palitaw sa latik , how to make palitaw , palitaw with bukayo recipe , bukayo , palitaw recipe panlasang pinoy , Ticman , Lozun , how to cook palitaw recipe , unday -unday , palitaw balls , how to cook palitaw sa latik
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