'Who doesn\'t remember chasing down the ice cream man to get some ice cream Push-Up Pops? Those sweet Summer treats came in a variety of single fruity flavors. Well, it\'s 2017 and we\'ve updated your childhood treat with this unicorn version! Each pop is layered with different fruity, no-churn ice creams that will have you drooling. Ice cream has never been this fun to eat before. INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup raspberries, rinsed and dried 1/2 cup blueberries, rinsed and dried 1/2 cup blackberries, rinsed and dried 1/2 cup (one large) ripe mango 2 cups heavy cream, chilled 1 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk, chilled 3 teaspoons vanilla extract Yellow, blue, pink, and purple food coloring Special tools: Push-Up Pop molds DIRECTIONS In a blender, puree the raspberries until smooth. Strain the puree over a large bowl to remove any seeds. You should be left with a shiny, smooth puree. Set aside and repeat this process with the blueberries and blackberries. For the mango, cut around the pit, then using a spoon, scoop the mango out into your blender or food processor and puree. Using a mixer, whip the cream to stiff peaks. Add the sweetened condensed milk and vanilla extract and continue to whip until evenly combined and light and fluffy. Add 1/2 cup of cream mixture into each of the fruit purees, and pour remaining cream into a smaller bowl. To enhance the natural color of the fruit, add 2-4 drops of neon food coloring and mix until desired color is reached. Hold the pops upright. Using a small spoon, fill push pops with about 2 tablespoons of each color. Be sure to hold the pop stem upright the entire time to ensure the layers of each color are straight and defined. Carefully place pops upright in the freezer and allowed to freeze for 6 hours to overnight. Once frozen, remove from the fridge, push up, and enjoy! POPSUGAR Food shares delicious recipes, tutorials, kitchen tips and tricks, and everything else you need to start cooking ... and eating! Hosted by Brandi Milloy, POPSUGAR Food shares easy-to-follow recipes, demos, and time-saving kitchen hacks on our show Get the Dish, and recreate the latest food crazes and invent new ones on Eat the Trend. Get the scoop on how to make everything from Cronuts to ramen burgers to vanilla cupcakes and beyond! Subscribe to POPSUGAR Food! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?src_vid=wNSZWHtiGek&add_user=popsugartvyum Check out the rest of our channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/popsugartvyum For more Brandi, follow her here: Instagram: https://instagram.com/brandimilloy Twitter: https://twitter.com/brandimilloy Faceboook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialBrandiMilloy YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BrandiMilloy'
Tags: kitchen , easy recipes , summer , eating , Food , popsicle , ice cream , mango , sweet , strawberry , Dessert Ideas , pop , dessert recipes , rainbow , blackberry , Summer Desserts , TREAT , unicorn , blueberry , Pop Sugar , push-up , sprinkles , brandi milloy , get the dish , vanilla , food tutorials , pops , POPSUGAR Food , eat the trend , just add sugar , pop sugar food , push-up pop
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