Nov 17, 2022
'Exhibition Film #2 This film shows the process to making Korean pot dish. “Chodang Oksusu Sot-bap” (초당 옥수수 솥밥) used ultra sweet corn that is harvested only in summer and it is cooked in a traditional brass pot. By presenting this dish, we wanted to present the freshness of summer season and the warmth that is contained in Korean dish. - 《A Little Piece of Happiness (日常, 小喜)》 ➤ September 8-19, 2020 ➤ Participating Artists: (Ceramist) 沈普根 Shim Bogeun, 朴盛克 Park Songkuk,(Video artist)趙炳暿 Cho Byunghee ➤ Details: http://hk.korean-culture.org/hk/1071/board/682/read/104274 駐香港韓國文化院與Stella A&C合辦\"A Little Piece of Happiness (日常, 小喜)\"展覽,展示一系列韓國的手工藝品及佳餚,多角度呈獻韓國飲食文化的獨特魅力。 The Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong and Stella A&C proudly present a unique exhibition presenting Korean beautiful crafts and famous meals. __________________________________________ 追蹤更多韓國文化消息
Tags: korea , Korean , 韓國 , hkkcc , 韓國文化 , 韓國文化院
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