'Hello everyone! I\'ve taken a bit of a break due to school (go 4.0 GPA woo) and starting some other really exciting projects but since I seem to be getting so much positive feedback on my last functional build buy CC showcase that I decided to do another one! This showcase is full of toddler and children items from sets on Around The Sims 4. All sets are linked below and if you wanted to downloaded all of the items from all of the sets (RIP to your CC folder bless her), there\'d be well over 50 items, maybe 100! Everything is MAXIS MATCH AND FUNCTIONAL!!!!! I hope you enjoyed this showcase and if there\'s any other showcases you\'d like to see let me know down below! Links to CC Playpens: https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_kids_19.shtml Preschool Set: https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_kids_17.shtml Doll Baby (scroll down to item 5): https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/special_02.shtml Dollhouses (scroll down to item 9): https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/special_04.shtml Car park toys (scroll down to item 6): https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/special_05.shtml Toy cars and box (scroll to December 2): https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/special_09.shtml Play Doh and Painting part of the More Toddler Activites Set: https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_kids_18.shtml Barbies (scroll to December 18): https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/special_10.shtml Crayons *not functional but the set has the option for functional coloring books* (Scroll down to day 5): https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/special_09.shtml Diaper Clutter: https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_kids_09.shtml RVSN Modular Cube Shelving: https://ravasheencc.tumblr.com/post/190440507493/do-it-your-shelf-modular-cubbies-part-1-by Barbie Caravan (scroll down to item 11): https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/special_04.shtml Barbie Styling Head (scroll down to December 8): https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/special_09.shtml Mini Market (scroll down to December 11): https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/special_09.shtml Bath Fun Mini Set: https://sims4downloads.net/around-the-sims-4-bath-fun/ Baby Food Clutter: https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_kids_01.shtml Train Set (Scroll to December 22): https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/special_10.shtml Playground Set: https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_outdoors_13.shtml Follow me on: twitter.com/JCSims11 instagram.com/javoncosby'
Tags: kids , toys , baby , children , functional , babies , the sims 4 , toddlers , appliances , custom content , Maxis Match , doll houses , cc showcase , build buy cc
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