!['[first vlog] Kuliah di Belanda || ep.1 Kehidupan Anak Food Tech di Belanda'](https://cdn-img01.wefoodblog.com/images/48-m/102/1021767.jpg)
'hi guys! jadi ini vlog pertama kita. di video ini kalian bisa liat kehidupan kita sebagai murid first year processing food and technology di The Hague University of Applied Sciences. jangan lupa LIKE SUBSCRIBE COMMENT! instagram manusia yang muncul di video ini: @janiceamnda @dellamargo @valerieangelique @aliciacelinee @cherlynel @corneliusdaniell'
Tags: student , vlog , university , kuliah , netherlands , first vlog , episode 1 , nederlands , chemical , the hague , Laboratory , PFT , Valerie , daniel , janice , ep1 , DELLA , food tech , Cowo , v-log , chemical engineering , cewe , den haag , Belanda , Cornelius , jdv , jdvlog , kuliah di belanda , the hague university , the hague university of applied sciences , processing food and technology , cherlyne , cornel , kehidupan anak food tech di belanda
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