'Today\'s Video: We epically failed at vlogging today, so we decided to film something a little different! Here is a video of Matthew and two of our daughters cooking a Korean dish, bee bim bap, based on a recipe in the back of a children\'s book! Amanda grew up in Seoul, South Korea, so seeing them have an interest in Korean food is very special for her. See what the kids thought! About Connerton Adventures Matthew and Amanda are recording their life at Serenity North Farm, a boarding and training facility in central Florida. The family recently expanded to include their four children, whom they adore. These are their daily adventures as they show and train horses, visit Disney World as often as possible, travel when they can, work hard and live life to the fullest. Our Instagram: www.instagram.com/connertonadventures Farm Instagram: www.instagram.com/serenitynorthfarm POBOX: The Connertons 2775 NW 49TH AVE SUITE 205 #101 OCALA FL 34482-6209'
Tags: kids , Why , what , daily routine , family vlog , Korean , try , Where , when , WHO , korean food , daily life , kimchi , kids cooking , bulgogi , americans try , foreigners try , living in korea , dolsot , TCK , pulgogi , beebimbap , beebimbop , bee-bim-bop , kids try korean food , kids trying korean food , family in korea , Linda Sue Park , Ho Baek Lee
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